Lower Risk, Higher Returns?

Every since i was young, it is almost a truth that in order to have higher returns, we need to take higher risk… Even the textbooks teaches it. I am going to perform a myth buster right here. My argument would be that in order to have higher returns, you need higher financial intelligence. And in fact, when you have higher financial intelligence, you lower your risk. Let me give …

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Why I don’t follow the Financial News?

Why I don’t follow the Financial News? Personally, I do not follow the financial news. I won’t know that the market had crashed until a friend tells me. I remembered that Warren Buffett’s teacher, Benjamin Graham once telling him to look at the stock market as a partner named, Mr Market. He also mentioned that Mr Market is a great partner, but is a lousy advisor. Mr Market had mood …

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Compound Your Way to Financial Freedom

Compound Your Way to Financial Freedom So, how does Value Investing help us achieve Financial Freedom? Let me give you an illustration. We assume that Charles is going to win the Money Game and achieve financial freedom solely by Employing his Money to work for him. Charles monthly basic need is $2,500, so he must employ his money in a way that gives him $2,500 a month. Through Afterthe reading …

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